Monday, 10 February 2014


During the holidays I decided to teach myself to weld. this mean doing lot of research such as reading articles about welding and watching YouTube videos. I will put some photos up as soon as I can.

Welding is often thought of as getting blowtorch and melting two pieces of metal together, however its not that at all, There are two arc welding processes that I am using: stick, which is self explanatory getting a metal rod of the material you want to weld and strike the electrode like a match on the metal you want to weld and off you, there's MIG, where you put wire into the machine turn the gas flow rate to right speed, pull the trigger and of you go. The basics are get an arc welder, some electrodes (in my case stick electrodes and MIG wire) and flip the welding mask down and pull the trigger on the wire feed gun and start welding and its still not as easy as that. There's travel speed, drag angle and the distance from the wire feed gun and the base metal, all and all it is a lot harder than you think.

I got my welders on long-term loan from my uncle who can't weld himself but part of the deal was that once me and my dad are good at welding we will teach him. my dad knows vaguely about welding but has done no research so I am having to teach myself and him how to weld. I haven't done much welding, but enough that I can write this post about my experiences. I suggest that you find someone you are friends with that has a welder and have a try. My dream of welding came true because I didn't give up on getting a welder so I could weld and I hope that your dreams come true as well.


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