Rouge Cafe
There Maddie and I were opening the door to our first job.I admit I was terrified, what if they were all mean or I smashed a plate and they fired me or...
"Hello we are here for Workday"
"Oh ok right this way"
Maddie and I emerged into the kitchen of Rouge.
"Hello, I am Alana, come with me"
We slowly walked down a skinny passage, into the storage room everything was sooo clean. Alana got some aprons off the shelf they were neatly folded and had Rouge on the front.
Alana introuduced us to everyone, they then told us how to do the dishes.
I was a bit nervous at the start but afterwards it was great, after a while an awesome girl called Ellie came, she was soo nice and kind.
after Maddie and I got the hang of it all, we were whizzing, washing and drying.
There is something about Rouge that makes you feel so welcome, they are all so nice and help you when you need it.
And I hope I can go back one day.
By Alice
Rouge Cafe
Hey Alice. A nice piece of writing and clearly a wonderful experience for you both. Well done. Dad